Changing Employee Assignments to USB Clocks with a Finger Sensor


When you enroll an employee on a USB clock with a finger sensor, they are automatically assigned to the clock. At some point you may wish to add or remove an employee assignment from a clock.

  1. Right click on the USB Terminal Management icon in the Windows Notification Area.
  2. Select Finger Template Management Wizard in the menu.
  3. At the login window type in your Company ID, User Name, and Password. Press Login.
  4. Click the Assign Employees... button, the Employee Assignment screen will display.
  5. Select the appropriate work station if applicable.
  6. Place a check next to every employee you wish to assign to the terminal.
  7. Remove a check next to every employee you do not want assigned to the terminal.
  8. Click Save.


Wed 12/05/2018